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Image by Ivan Aleksic

Trend Reports: Education

As we move through the third decade of the 21st century, it has become clear that the global competitiveness of the United States is directly related to the knowledge literacy of its population, especially its K-12 education system. The ability of the system to educate its students and secure qualified professionals to teach them will have a direct global impact on the future success of our society. Underrepresented groups can play a major role in that success if they have an opportunity to be included in the high-tech, AI knowledge-based expansion. With these factors in mind, the “Minority Trend Report” will focus on what  trends have been established, what effects has COVID-19 had on schooling and what  the future  may bring to K-12 students who wil be part of the on going knowledge-based movement. 

Education Minority Trend Reports


Coming Fall 2024

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