Rob's, Learning Space LLC
In order to provide products and services for those who care about where they are going, it takes knowledgeable and passionate leadership. Here are our three founders which two continue to drive our mission forward.
Sylvester E. Robertson (Ed.D), retired after 22 years as Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education at California State University, San Bernardino, CA. Dr. Robertson received his Doctorate in Institutional Management at Pepperdine University. His areas of expertise are the integration of technology into K-12 instruction, the development of instructional models for pre-service teacher education, and the design of on-line technology courses for graduate programs.
Linda Robertson, received her Master’s Degree (MA) in Vocational Counseling from Northwestern Illinois University and worked over 30 years as a pre-college and undergraduate program manager in the UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science specializing in the recruitment, retention, and graduation of students in STEM education and careers.
Rob's Learning Space provides a composite of educational services and products specializing: 1) in consultation with K-12 schools and agencies on the most effective approaches to use technology integration in classroom environments to improve student performance. 2) Distribution of quality educational products for the 21st century learners and data driven reports on trends in business, education, and technology as it relates to underserved communities.